In order to evaluate the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) in Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and fulfill the requirements of the External Quality Assurance System (EQAS), especially the fulfillment of the national accreditation criteria (BAN-PT / LAMPT-Kes), UB obliges all units (academic and non-academic) undergo Internal Quality Audit (IQA).
This annual periodic activity is UB’s accountability and commitment to maintain quality and control it. This IQA is also UB’s effort to capture the fulfillment of the superior criteria of units, especially study programs, so that it can be used to determine strategies for improving accreditation qualifications in the future.
In 2020 UB will run IQA by grouping or termed batch. There are 3 batches in IQA UB 2020:
- Batch 1 is intended for Faculties and Study Programs that accredited “A” BAN-PT whose accreditation period ends in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and has an obligation to fulfill the Instrument of Conversion Supplement (ISK). Also for the Profession Study Program of Accounting and the Profession Study Program of Engineer.
- Batch 2 is for departmens and study programs that are not included in Batch 1.
- Batch 3 is intended for supporting units.
There is 249 units are required to undergo IQA in 2020, consisting of 16 faculties, 40 departments, 177 study programs and 16 supporting units.
In contrast to last year, this year’s IQA mechanism was implemented entirely online, with only a desk evaluation. This is an effort to prevent the spread of the corona virus among the UB academic community. With the limitation of this activity mechanism, the main key to IQA’s success is data reliability. For this reason, QAC as the coordinator of IQA implementation in UB determines the documents that must be provided by the auditees as material for desk evaluation:
- The entry of IQA instrument
- The Report of Management Review
- The Report of IQA 2019
- Supporting Documents