Category Berita

Benchmarking Visit of UNDANA

Universitas Brawijaya as one of the higher education institutions with Excellent accreditation has a strategy in implementing the tri dharma of higher education. UB’s strategy is a peculiarity of the system which contains good practices from other universities. This encourages…

Site Visit of AQAS for Cluster of Cultural Science III

Universitas Brawijaya conducted another AQAS international accreditation visitation for the fifth time. This international accreditation institution based in Germany conducts an assessment of study programs with an outcome based education (OBE) approach. The cultural science cluster international accreditation visitation was…

Internal Quality Audit 2022

At the national level, government regulations (especially through the accreditation mechanism) have increased the requirements for internal audits activities. Currently internal audit activities must be able to fulfill the PPEPP cycle. Required to Regulations of National Accreditation Agency for Higher…