National Accredited Clinic with Doctoral Study Program in Food Science from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, D4 Hospitality Management Study Program and D4 Graphic Design from the Faculty of Vocational Studies

Friday, January 19 2024, the Quality Assurance Institute carried out study program accreditation assistance (clinic) activities aimed at ensuring and improving the quality of higher education at Brawijaya University. This time the accreditation clinic is to review the completeness of the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS) and also the Self Evaluation Report (LED) of the Study Program Management Unit (UPPS) from the Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Food Science from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, D4 Hospitality Management and D4 Graphic Design from the Vocational Faculty which will carry out reaccreditation.

Food Science Doctoral Study Program from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology

The presence of Prof. Dr. Slamet Wahyudi, S.T., M.T., as the BAN-PT Executive Board and UB Deputy for Accreditation and Education in accompanying the national accreditation clinic shows LPM’s full commitment and support as an institution in UB which carries out the task of overseeing PS accreditation status. Through this national accreditation clinic, it is hoped that LPM can encourage PS to strive to complete all LKPS data and compile LEDs in accordance with assessment guidelines to achieve the best accreditation status. The highest accreditation status that can be achieved by the Doctoral Program in Food Science, D4 ​​Hospitality Management, and D4 Graphic Design at Brawijaya University, will be able to provide an optimal contribution in producing quality graduates who are ready to compete in the world of work, as well as increasing the interest of prospective new students in PS.

D4 Hospitality Management and D4 Graphic Design Study Programs from the Vocational Faculty

The role of the BAN-PT Executive Board and the Deputy for Accreditation and Education as part of the accompanying team at LPM is very crucial, because they can provide constructive guidance and suggestions to the study programs being accompanied. The resulting evaluation results can be used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of study programs so that they can make improvements and meet better standards. The success of PS in achieving accreditation with the highest status can also open the door to improving the University’s reputation at national and international levels, because it can be an indicator of the quality and competitiveness of higher education institutions, which in turn can increase public trust, the potential for student admissions, and collaboration with industry. .

It is hoped that the existence of a nationally accredited clinic as a LPM UB work program will have a long-term positive impact on the study programs being evaluated and make Brawijaya University a superior educational institution that is responsive to changing global dynamics. CFK_LPM








Food Science Doctoral Study Program from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology


D4 Hospitality Management and D4 Graphic Design Study Programs from the Vocational Faculty