Benchmarking Visit of IAIN Ponorogo

In order to improve the quality of education and services, the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) of the Ponorogo State Islamic Institute (IAIN) conducted a visitbenchmarking to the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang. The purpose of this visit was to share knowledge and experience, particularly regarding the mechanisms for implementing Quality Internal Audits and Mechanisms for Management Review Meetings.

This visit was led by Dr. Mambaul Ngadimah, M.Ag., as Chair of LPM IAIN Ponorogo, who was accompanied by a team of 11 people from LPM IAIN Ponorogo. They were warmly received by Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H., as the Head of LPM UB Malang, and the team of LPM UB Malang.

Benchmarking Visit of IAIN Ponorogo ( 30 Mei 2023 )

In the meeting session, delegates from LPM IAIN Ponorogo and LPM UB Malang intensively discussed the mechanisms for implementing Quality Internal Audit. They exchange information about procedures, evaluation instruments, and management of audit findings. Dr. Mambaul Ngadimah, M.Ag., said, “We really appreciate the efforts of LPM UB Malang in carrying out Internal Quality Audits effectively. We hope to learn from their experience to improve the internal audit system at IAIN Ponorogo.”

Visitbenchmarking it ends with the conclusion that LPM IAIN Ponorogo and LPM UB Malang have the same vision in efforts to improve the quality of education and services in their respective institutions. Dr. Mambaul Ngadimah, M.Ag., stated, “We feel inspired by the initiative and commitment of LPM UB Malang in quality assurance of education. We hope that this visit can open doors for closer collaboration in the future.”

Visitbenchmarking between LPM IAIN Ponorogo and LPM UB Malang emphasizes the importance of collaboration and exchange of knowledge between institutions in an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. With the same spirit, the two institutions are committed to continuing to work together and achieve positive changes for society and the world of education.

For further information regarding the activities of this benchmarking visit and efforts to guarantee the quality of education at LPM IAIN Ponorogo and LPM UB Malang, please contact the respective institutions concerned. ( CFK/LPM )