Universitas Brawijaya as one of the higher education institutions with Excellent accreditation has a strategy in implementing the tri dharma of higher education. UB’s strategy is a peculiarity of the system which contains good practices from other universities.
This encourages the University of Nusa Cendana (UNDANA) Kupang to visit UB on Thursday, September 15, 2022.

The UNDANA team consists of Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Head of Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, Head of Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance, Head of Center of Curriculum Development and Learning, Coordinator of Center of Learning Outside Study Programs and the Staff of Registration and Statistics Working Group.
The UNDANA team is chaired by Dr. dr. Annytha Ina Rohi Detha, M.Si (Vice Rector of Academic Affairs), conducts benchmarking to UB with a focus on MBKM implementation, distance learning mechanism, international accreditation of study programs and PDDikti management.
This benchmarking activity was accepted by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs of UB (Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES.) and accompanied by University Secretary, Director of Directorate of Administration and Academic Services, Team of MBKM, Head of Information Systems and Technology, Representatives of the Quality Assurance Center, Director of Central Laboratory of life Sciences, Representatives of the Institute of Biosciences, and Representatives of Library.