Internal Quality Audit

Internal audit is a key role in management of organization to give supporting data for evaluation and improvement or increasing effective system. This process is a method to produce results that can be used as inputs for management review. The management review is essential for management system standard.

IQA is a systemic and independent evaluation to know whether implementation of IQAS is effective and meet the plans performed by unit at UB. IQA at UB is performed for evaluating conformity between quality standard and activities performing by units at UB in Quality Management System of academic, finance and administration.

IQA is very useful:

  • To help identifying every nonconformities of activities that have already done, is being done or for everything in the future that would give problems (nonconformities)
  • To assure conformity with documentation system and standard required
  • To assure conformity with applied activities and document system
  • To assure consistency of applied system.
  • To assure effectiveness of applied system
  • To improve or develop system

IQA at UB was performed in 2 steps:

  • System Audit: Audit on adequate organization of quality assurance and quality documents to meet the quality audit system standard requirements.
  • Performance Audit: audit on the implementation system of quality assurance: To meet the quality standards and customer satisfactions.

IQA Method at UB was carried-out in 2 steps: desk evaluation and visiting the audited unit. Technically, IQA refers to the Standard Operating Procedure of IQA. IQA at UB was conduct by certified internal auditors. The IQA mechanism at UB is as follows:

IQA Mechanism

Since 2011, UB has been performing 2 categories of IQA:

  • IQA for Academic Unit including faculty/study program, department and laboratory.
  • IQA for Supporting Units including directorate, institution, central laboratory and technical unit.