Internal audit was started in 2007. In 2007 till 2010, UB conducted internal audit only for ASU called AIMA/AQIA (Audit Internal Mutu Akademik/ Academic Quality Internal Audit. Since 2010, audit internal system was developed for ASSU. In 2011, internal audit was conducted for ASSU. Until 2013, UB has already performing internal audit for 12 cycles for ASU and 6 cycles for ASSU. Audit was carried out by desk evaluation (audit system) followed by a site visit (compliance audit).
Below are the cycles of IQA for ASU that have already carried out since 2007 until present and the scope of internal audit.
The items of audited are:
- Quality assurance organization
- Academic quality document
- Academic quality assurance standards organization
- Document format
- Document coding
- Legalized document
- Document content
- Implementation of Academic Quality Assurance System (AQAS)
A. Planning, Organization and Documentation System consist of
- Target of AQAS disemination
- Quality culture Internalisation
- AQAS organization
- AQAS documentation
- Facility Dissemination
B. Academic performance consists of :
- Study program curriculum
- Human resources (lecturer and supporting staff)
- Student
- Teaching learning process
- Facilities
- Academic atmosphere
- Research and publication
- Public service
- Academic management
- Academic information system
- Organization, documentation, implementation, academic quality assurance standards organization (AQAS)
- Corrective action of findings obtained from AQIA 2nd Batch 2008
A. Implementation of AQAS organization.
B. Performance as in clausal number 10 of academic quality from DGHE are
- Curriculum
- Human resources (lecturer and supporting staff)
- Student
- Teaching learning process
- Facilities
- Academic atmosphere
- Research and publication
- Public services
- Academic management
- Academic information system
- Organization
- Documentation
- Socialization of quality internal audit using Webpage
- Internal audit implementation
- Corrective actions to previous quality internal audit
- Quality manual document
- Quality standard performance
- Internal audit coordinated by MR
- Corrective actions to the previous findings
- Internal quality assurance system (IQAS) document
- Internal Quality Assurance System Document (IQAS), Quality Manual, Manual Procedure Mandatory And Manual Procedure related to services product.
- Internal audit coordinated by MR.
- Management review .
- Corrective actions of the findings from 8th cycle and from 1st surveillance of ISO 9001:2008 by LRQA.
- Implementation of Quality Manual ISO 9001:2008
- Performance audit based on BAN PT standard no.6 (funding, facilities, and information system)
1. Evidence of improvement of the findings of the 9th Cycle IQA for ASU and Clarification Forms.
2. Implementation of IQAS of ISO 9001:2008 -based including Management Review
3. SP Performance based on BAN-PT accreditation standards number 7.
A. Faculty/program/department/study program :
- Corrective actions of the findings obtained from 10th cycle IQA and corrective actions of the 1st stage of Surveillance ISO 9001:2008 by LRQA
- Implementation of IQAS Quality management system of ISO 9001:2008-based
- Implementation of IQAS performance-based standard number 3 and 4 BAN-PT
- Implementation of IQAS Excellent Public Service standard-based.
B. Laboratories (practical room, simulation room, studio and workshop) including :
- Laboratories system (consisting of legalized, function and physical facilities)
- Implementation of IQAS of prime service standard-based.
Since 2012, IQA was carried out for laboratory to evaluate the organization and its function. In 2012, It was established as 1st cycle IQA for laboratory..
1st cycle IQA for Laboratory 2013
- Corrective actions of IQA 11th in 2012 and Corrective actions of findings from ISO Surveillance ISO 9001:2008 3rd stage by LRQA.
- Implementation of IQAS accreditation BAN-PT standards-based (Standard 3, 4 dan 5).
- Implementation of IQAS ISO 9001 : 2008-based.
- Implementation of IQAS prime service standards-based.
- Implementation Website Standard.
2nd cycle IQA Laboratory 2013
- Corrective action of previous IQA,
- Implementation of IQAS ISO 9001 : 2008-based.
- Implementation of IQAS prime service standard-based
- Implementation Website Standard