8th cycle of AQIA 2011
In 2011, UB conducted 2 types of internal audits: audit for academic units consisting faculty/program, department and SP and audit for academic service units consisting bureau, institution, central laboratories and other technical units. In this year, academic quality internal audit (AQIA) is changed to internal quality audit (IQA).
The 8th cycle of IQA for academic units is conducted on June 10-17, 2011. The preparation and consolidation were prepared since May 2011. The number of internal auditors involved was 42 auditors. The number of audited units was 47 units consisting 12 faculties, 2 programs and 33 departments/SP.
The scopes of IQA academic units activities are as follows
- Corrective actions for the previous cycle of IQA findings.
- Internal Quality Assurance System Document including Quality Manual, Mandatory Manual Procedure (as required by ISO9001:2008) and Manual Procedure related to the services process.
- Internal audit was coordinated by MR
- Management Review
Internal audit focused on IQAS documents considering that there are some obstacles in the documentation processespecially from previous internal audit. Therefore, QAC as an unit of internal audit quality established that conformity of mandatory documents (as required by ISO 9001:2008) should be at least 85%.
The result of the 8th cycle of IQA showed that a Quality Manual as a guidance has not fulfilled the ISO 9001:2008 requirements. Some systems and procedures have already been established, but those have not fully understood and have not written clearly in the Quality Manual.
Mandatory Manual Procedures (MP’s) as ISO9001:2008 requirements have already met the ISO9001:2008 requirements. The implementation of mandatory Manual Procedure need to be monitored.
In general, the IQA for academic unit showed there were some weaknesses in the Quality Manual in every unit. GJM (quality unit at faculty) and UJM (quality unit at department) can be involved in the preparation of Quality Manual. There were some findings associated toManagement Review. Some units have not fully understand the need of management review. However, management review has already carried out in all levels (university, faculty/program and department) but the content of the review has not meet the ISO9001:2008 requirement.