Internal Quality Audit for Academic Services 9 2011

9th cycle  IQA for academic service unit 2011

The procedure of  IQA for 9th cycle academic service unit was the same as those for 8th cycle which is website-based desk/visitation evaluation. IQA 9th cycle focused on the implementation of quality manual and standard performance number 6 of BAN-PT standards at faculties and study programs.

Quality Internal Audit 9th cycle was carried-out on September 6 to 20, 2011. The number of auditors involved was 62 auditors. The number of audited unit was 47 units.

The scopes 9th cycle of  IQA for academic service units are:

  1. Corrective actions request for nonconformities found in 8th cycle and in 1st surveillance of ISO 9001:2008 by LRQA.
  2. Implementation of ISO 9001:2008-based quality manual.
  3. Work performance based on standard number 6 of BAN-PT standards (funds, facilities and information system).

9th cycle  IQA for academic service units showed that implementation of quality manual was good for both faculty and department. However, the  IQA was found that cross references between quality manual and ISO9001:2008 clausal (article 14) was not available. This situation has been found in many units.

Some aspect of BAN-PT standard number 6 were funding to perform university of three missions, literatures, increasing  the role of Study Program (SP) in budgeting, research funding and obtaining funding from students.

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