Internal Quality Audit for Academic Services 5 2009

5th cycle of AQIA 2009

5th cycle AQIA 2009 was an academicinternal audit continuing from previous cycle.Some findings from previous AQIA which have already been corrected were evaluated in this cycle of AQIA.

The scope of audit was the same as those in 2008. The differences were AQIA in 2009 focused on the implementation of Academic Quality Assurance Standard (AQAS). The audited items was achievement of implementation of 10 items of academic quality. Findings in every audited items were grouped into 3 of findings: 1) major nonconformities (KTS) 2) minor nonconformities (KTS) and observation (OB). Major and minor nonconformities (KTS) need clarification and actions whereas OB can be responded or not, it depends on the unit situation.

The 10 academic qualityare :

  1. Curriculum of department/SP
  2. Human resources (lecturer and supporting staff)
  3. Students
  4. Teaching learning process
  5. Facilities
  6. Academic atmosphere
  7. Research and publication
  8. Public Services
  9. Academic management
  10. Academic information system

Participation academic unit in 5th cycle of AQIA 2009 was 100% meaning that all units implemented AQAS were ready to be audited.

The level of compliances of Faculty were 75.39%, whereas those of unit of department/SP was 78.21%. This results showed that the level of compliances were decreased compared to those in 2008 which were 81% (Faculty) and 78% (Department/SP). These results were caused by nonconformities between academic standards established by faculty and standard achievement report of unit academic. Therefore, an understanding of academic standards need to be improved in Faculty or Department.

The compliance of the unit with the academic standards still to be improved to achieve score of >80% (A). Most of academic standards have not been comply by faculty (>80%) andby department/SP(> 50% ). Corrective Action Request (CAR) 4th cycle in 2009 have already been done. Therefore, organization structure, documentation and implementation of AQAS have already been complied >90% except for document of faculty.

Rerata-Kepatuhan-Fak-Prog-AIMA-5 2009

The Average of Compliance Faculty/Program in 5th cycle AQIA 2009

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The average of compliances of Department/Study Program in 5th cycle AQIA 2009

Developing and implementation of AQAS at every academic unit(faculty/department/ SP) was changing in rank and score. Some academic units showed decreasing in implementation of AQAS. The average score of developing of AQAS at units was less than 80% (Faculty 75,39% and Department/SP 78,21%) or categorized to be B (good)which was showing a decreasing rank from A (AQIAin 2009).

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Score of Developing of AQAS at Faculty/Program
Score of Developing of AQAS at Department/Study Program

The scores in the figure above is the scores from auditor team at every unit. Clarification was carried-out because of nonconformities academic standards items of faculty and achievement of the items from the performance evaluation instrument (for both Faculty and SP). Academic standard of faculty was used as reference for evaluation of unit performance.

Furthermore, AQIA results will be a basic selection to nominate 5 faculties/programs and 12 department/SP with best performance unit at UB in UB Annual Quality Award (UBAQA). This award aims to accelerate an increasing of academic quality at UB before implementation of IQAS in 2010.

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