Internal Quality Audit for Academic Services 6 2010

6th cycle of AQIA 2010

6th cycle AQIA 2010, the audited items were organization, documentation, socialization the scope of audit through the web. The audit items have not been done before. It focused on legalized documents by the authority. Implementation of IQAS was indicated by internal audit and all quality documents have been uploaded in the website.


The quality audited items are:

A. Organization

  1. Legalizing and formal letter for quality assurance team
  2. Organization structure
  3. Job description

B. Documentation

  1. Vision-Mission and Goal
  2. Strategic Planning
  3. Planning
  4. Academic guidance

C. Socialization of the scope IQA 6th cycle through the Webpage

D. Internal Audit

Based on the results, the compliances from 6th cycle IQA 2010 was 73% for faculty/program and 81% for department/SP.


The compliance of implementation ofIQAS was decreased as compared to those from 4th cycle IQA 2009.The compliances obtained form 6th cycle is presented at figure below:

 Tingkat-Kepatuhan-Auditee-AIM-siklus-6 2010
The average compliance audited unit ofAcademic Service units in 6th cycle AQIA 2010

The score and ranking in developing and implementation of IQAS at academic unit  (faculty/program/department/ SP) was changing. Some units showed an increasing or decreasing in implementation of IQAS. The achievement of the items of quality in implementation of IQAS is presented below:

 Tingkat-Kepatuhan-Fak_Prog-AIM-siklus-6 2010

The average of compliances of Faculty/Program in 6th cycle AQIA 2010

 Tingkat-Kepatuhan-Jur_PS-AIM-siklus-6 2010

The average of compliances of Department/Study Program in 6th cycle AQIA 2010

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