Internal Quality Audit for Academic Services 7 2010

7th cycle AQIA 2010

Academic Internal Quality Audit 7th cycle of 2010 was divided by 2 steps: 1) audit system website-based/ desk evaluation and 2) site visit. The scope of 7th cycle of IQA was the content of Manual Quality dan unit performance including correcive action of previouscycles, Manual Quality document, performance of quality standard BAN-PT standard no.1, standard no. 2, and standard no.5 and internal audit coordinated by Management Representative.

The 7th cycle of AQIA did not focuse on the availibility of main documents, formal letters of the head of the unit and main task and function based on formal letters. Those scopes have already complied in the 6th cycle of AQIA therefore the next AQIA is to be focused on the other standards of BAN-PT. 7th cycle AQIA of academic service unit focused on the BAN-PT standards to fulfill quality objective of the UBaccreditation.

The compliance for the Faculty/Program was 74% and for Department/ SP was 79% .

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The average of compliances of Audited Unit in 7th cycle AQIA 2010

The figure above shows that the compliance of Faculty/Program was 57,14% of the Faculty having score above 80 and 42,85% having score below 80%. For system audit, 42,84% of thetotal units had score above 80. Faculty with the low score were Faculty of Law and Faculty of Mathematic and Life Science. Faculty of Law had score of 0 because at the time of auditing schedulethe faculty was preparingaccreditation document therefore they cannot up-load documents at the website.Faculty of Mathematic and Life Science misunderstood the audit process so that they did not up-load the documents. However, the compliance of the Faculty of Mathematic and Life Science was very good because all the documents needed in this audit were available.

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Figure. The compliance of Faculty/Program

Audit system in Department with the score above 80 was 50%, the compliance was 69,44%. Almost all departments have already up-loaded the documents, however, some departments misunderstood regarding dissemination of  IQAS to the stakeholders, therefore the scores was low. The score was increased during the visitation at most departments. However, Department of Mechanical Engineering has not take corrections to the findings from previous cycles resulting a low score. Sociology Department has not complete one item of accredited quality item.

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Figure. Compliance level at Department/SP

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