On July 25-26 2023, the Bandung Institute of Technology initiated activities on a national scale, by inviting the Quality Unit for higher education institutions (PT) in Indonesia which have PTN-BH status. UB became one of the participants who took part in this activity. UB’s Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) is represented by the head of the International Accreditation Center, Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra SE., M.Sc., MA., Ph.D. accompanied by Deputy Staff for Education and Organizational Accreditation, Surya Rachma Aditya Eka Putra S.AB. Both were present at the activities held at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung.
At the first meeting, the theme raised was regarding the development of a culture of academic quality, especially in administrative aspects, such as study programs, accreditation, and as well as substance aspects, such as compliance with standards, internalization of international standards, and basic best practices that encourage the growth of culture. academic quality in universities.
Apart from that, there are also discussion sessions which provide opportunities for quality assurance unit participants to be able to convey suggestions and good practices carried out at universities as a form of concern for sharing knowledge and experience in dealing with current educational challenges. This activity is meaningful because it can be attended directly by not only the representatives of the quality assurance unit, but also the leaders of the quality assurance unit. So that,sharing session that can provide knowledge from various sides.
The enthusiasm of the participants who attended was also shown through the idea of implementing similar activities which were welcomed by other universities. In this case, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, is willing to host the National Meeting which is planned to be held in November. RIN