Internal Quality Audit (IQA) and Corrective Action Request (CAR) is one of the method taken by Universitas Brawijaya in quality assurance. Important parties in guard of quality activities is the presence of internal auditors in faculties. Start from condition, Quality Assurance Center (QAC) held internal auditor training to add the number of active internal auditors in each faculties.
Activity internal auditor training begins with survey of need to faculties about the number of active internal auditors that exist in every faculties. Based on the number of active internal auditors and the number of units required audited, Quality Assurance Center (QAC) set composition amount participant training. There were 39 participants who took part in the training.
Activity auditor training will be held on 20-23 June 2022. Activities started with opening by Vice Rector of Research and Innovation (Dr. Bambang Susilo) and Deputy of Accreditation Organization (Aida Sartimbul, Ph.D.). Learning materials delivered in training are theory about Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) and Ethics and Competence of Internal Auditors.

On second day, the participants take a psychological test and continued with desk evaluation exercise. Accompanied by a senior internal auditor, on third day, participants are divided into 8 groups to take part in the internal audit simulation. At the end of simulation, participants practice to present of internal audit results. Senior internal auditor give a feedback for each group. On the last day, each group practice to compiling evaluation of CAR. Training activities closed by the Head of QAC, Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina. (es)