Improving the Quality of AIM Reporting with the Quality Assurance Information System (SIQA)

On Friday, 27 October 2023 at the Aria Gajayana Hotel, the Raung Meeting Room, the Siqa Monev Hearing and Quality Assurance Group (GJM) Sharing Session agenda was held. This monthly routine activity is a meeting between GJM of all Faculties at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) which is facilitated by the UB Quality Assurance Institute (LPM). This meeting aims to have a common perception in monitoring and evaluating Internal Quality Audit (AIM), the implementation of which is carried out using a new information system, namely the Quality Assurance Information System (SIQA). This activity was attended by the Chairman of the Quality Assurance Institute, Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H., Secretary of the Quality Assurance Institute, Prof. Dr. Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri, S.T.P., M.P., Chair of the Center for Internal Quality Assurance Systems (SPMI) Dr. Ir. Agustina Shinta Hartati Wahyuningtyas, M.P., Chair of the Quality Internal Audit Center (AIM) Eko Setiawan, S.T., M.T., P.hD, as well as all GJM Chairs and Secretaries from all faculties at Brawijaya University.

The SIQA Monev Hearing was led by the Chair of the Quality Internal Audit Center (AIM) Eko Setiawan, S.T., M.T., P.hD. namely related to efforts made by University leaders facilitated by LPM in collaboration with all related units to improve the quality of study programs in each Faculty at Brawijaya University. Head of Sub-Directorate for Data and Technology Services from the Directorate of Information Technology, namely Mr. Rizki Trisnadi, S.T. provide direction regarding several technical problems that are obstacles and explain the solutions so that GJM’s perception is similar in filling in data in SIQA.

The next activity was the Sharing Session, which this time was delivered by the Chair of GJM from the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Amelia Ika Pratiwi, S.E., MSA., Ak., Chair of GJM, Faculty of Dentistry, Drg. Feni Istikharoh, M.Biomed., Chair of GJM Faculty of Agricultural Technology Nur Ida Panca N, STP, MP, and also Chair of GJM Faculty of Computer Science Mahendra Data, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.. Various activities has been and will be carried out until the end of 2023. It was presented by the four heads of GJM with the hope that it can be an inspiration and lesson for other GJMs and at the same time provide development of understanding of the tasks, programs and achievements that are expected to improve the quality of quality assurance. Discussions related to programs created by the Quality Assurance Group really support academic quality and the academic system at Brawijaya University.

The Siqa monitoring and evaluation hearing was led by the Chair of the Quality Internal Audit Center (AIM) Eko Setiawan, S.T., M.T., P.hD. namely related to improving the quality of study programs in each Faculty at Brawijaya University. This was followed by an explanation regarding the menus in Siqa which will make it easier for you to upload existing reports. NBL/LPM