Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has some study programs that is outside the domicile (Malang) called PSDKU, namely in Jakarta and Kediri. There are 3 PSDKU UB Jakarta and 5 PSDKU UB Kediri.
Like the others on the main campus, PSDKU also has obligations to carry out academic and non-academic activities, including BAN-PT national accreditation.
Different from PSDKU UB Jakarta, PSDKU UB Kediri has a slightly different management model, special preparation is needed in applying for accreditation, especially in meeting the 9 criteria accreditation requirements (IAPS 4.0).
For this reason, on Friday (June 5, 2020), PJM coordinates the initial meeting to prepare for the accreditation of PSDKU UB Kediri. This coordination was opened and directed by Rector (Prof. Dr. Nuhfil Hanani) with the message that PSDKU UB Kediri is part of the faculty on the main campus, administrative needs and data for accreditation has to be well coordinated.
The event was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Chairperson of LP3M, Managements of UB Kediri, Faculty Leaders on the main campus (FP, FPt and FPIK), Heads of PSDKU UB Kediri, GJM Representatives and PJM Team.
After it was opened by the Rector, the meeting was followed by the submission of the PSDKU UB Kediri Quality Internal Audit (AIM) plan by the Chairperson of PJM (Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina) and the PSDKU UB Kediri accreditation strategy by the Head of National Accreditation Division (Dr. Slamet Wahyudi). Then the questions and answers were opened, guided by the Chairperson of LP3M.
With the urgency of implementing one PPEPP cycle and the deadline for submitting the accreditation proposal, PSDKU UB Kediri needs to undergo internal audit earlier to get better prepared to undergo the accreditation of BAN-PT. To facilitate internal audit activities during the Covid-19 pandemic, activities that have avoided face-to-face efforts have been undertaken. For this reason, the internal audit for PSDKU UB Kediri and its supporting data are provided in soft copies. [ywes-sht]