Benchmarking of Quality Assurance Agency UNTAG Semarang

Speech from UB’s Vice Rector of Academic Affairs

The demand of External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) which requires the fulfillment of accreditation requirements, as well as the internationalization of the threefold missions of higher education activities encourage the Team of Quality Assurance Agency of Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) Semarang to conduct a benchmarking to Brawijaya University.

The group of 14 people chaired by Drs. Y. Setyohadi Pratomo, M.Sc. (Head of Quality Assurance Agency, UNTAG Semarang) was present in the Ruang Jamuan of UB Rectorate Building, welcomed by UB’s Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of Faculty of Animal Science, University Secretary, Director and Secretary of the Directorate of Academic & Administration Services, and the QAC Team.

The benchmarking, which was held on Friday, March 18, 2022, was opened by Prof. Dr. drh Aulanni’am, DES. (UB’s Vice Rector of Academic Affairs) at the same time get to know each other and hope to learn from each other, especially in the field of quality assurance.

Presentation of Souvenirs from UNTAG Semarang and UB

The Head of Quality Assurance Agency of UNTAG Semarang in his introduction conveyed the purpose of this benchmarking activity to get information about the implementation of IQAS and can get input and enlightenment so that it can be used for the development of IQAS in UNTAG Semarang.

Continuing the remarks from both parties, the Head of IQAS Center (Dr. Agustina Shinta) conveyed an explanation about the implementation of IQAS in UB which was followed by a discussion about UB’s strategy to run the quality assurance system, the obstacles in running IQAS with many study programs, the monitoring process of IQAS, development of UB Satu Data, and indicators or variables for Additional Performance Indicators.

The discussion ended with the hope of the BPM UNTAG Semarang Team, so that after the benchmarking, there would be enthusiasm to improve the study programs accreditation status to A and excellent degree.