UB Shares: External Collaboration in Accompanying the Improvement of Internal Quality Documents and MKBM PGRI Yogyakarta University

Yogyakarta, 6 September 2023 – The Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has established strategic collaboration regarding the review of Internal Quality Documents and MKBM Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (UPY), as a response to the urgent need for improving quality and effectiveness. Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) UPY. In this context, LPM UB plays an active role in carrying out evaluations of the UPY MBKM Quality Standards, with a commitment to ensuring that these standards are in line with the latest policy developments. The results of this evaluation became the main basis for restructuring the UPY MBKM Quality Standards, which were then described in the form of 12 MBKM procedure manuals as well as 36 forms and questionnaires related to MBKM.

Based on the results of the review conducted by LPM UB, there are incompleteness in the UPY quality documents, especially in the preparation of procedure manuals and monitoring and evaluation instruments. Therefore, after carrying out the needs evaluation, it is hoped that identification of quality documents that need to be updated as an effort to improve the implementation of the UPY MBKM program can be produced. Follow-up to the results of this evaluation will be carried out through holding workshops, which aim to perfect and complete the UPY MBKM internal quality documents, so that they can provide optimal contributions to the quality of education at UPY.

Chairman of LPM, Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, with great dedication, explained the results of the review of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) with the main aim of producing quality documents that are in accordance with the needs of implementing MBKM UPY and in line with MBKM DIKTI policies. The agenda aims to facilitate cooperation in building quality assurance networks, sharing good practices, and increasing human resource capacity towardsGood University Governance (GUG), which is the main goal for higher education institutions.

On this occasion, the results of the review regarding:

  1. Quality Policy (12 documents);
  2. SPMI Manual (11 documents);
  3. SPMI Standards (158 documents);
  4. MKM Standards (11 documents).


He also displayed good practices related to the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which has been implemented at UB. It is hoped that this can be an inspiration for UPY and also become a basis for further improvement steps in the future.

Apart from that, efforts to improve this quality document will not only provide benefits for MBKM UPY and UB, but will also have a positive impact on the quality of higher education at the national level. A more detailed and focused quality document will provide clear guidance for the implementation of MBKM, so that it can produce quality graduates who are ready to compete in the global job market.

The MBKM program is expected to be an important milestone in forming students who not only have strong academic knowledge, but also have skills and competencies that are relevant to the needs of industry and society. This is in line with the vision of MBKM as a higher education innovation which is expected to bring positive changes in producing a superior next generation capable of contributing significantly to nation development.

It is important to remember that this collaboration between UB and UPY is not the end of the journey, but is the beginning of a continuous commitment to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. It is hoped that the results of this collaboration will provide inspiration for other higher education institutions to make similar efforts to continue to improve the quality and relevance of higher education in Indonesia. (CFK/LPM)