Brawijaya University held SPMI activities Awareness and Refreshing Preparation of Management Review Report forSupporting Unit. This event is the first step in improving the internal quality of the organization both from the university and related units. Important roleSupporting Unit in academic implementation it has a function as a technical executor so that the quality assurance process is also always reviewed and carried out every year.
The activity began with a Committee Activity Report represented by the Head of the Internal Quality Assurance System Center (SPMI) Dr. Ir. Agustina Shinta Hartati Wahyuningtas, M.P. which was then officially opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Finance and Resources, Prof. Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, S.H., M.H. In his remarks, he gave clear directions regarding the importance of always maintaining internal quality management and its important rolesupporting unit in achieving that goal.
Attended by leaders, secretaries, and one staff representative from varioussupporting unit at Brawijaya University, SPMIAwareness This is intended so that an understanding of the SPMI process which is part of quality assurance can be understood more deeply. The main event begins with material bykeynote speaker from the Quality Assurance Institute, University of Brawijaya. Chairman of LPM Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, SH., MH, explained about the University of Brawijaya Quality Assurance System, providing insight into the framework and processes carried out to maintain the university’s internal quality.
Furthermore, the Head of Deputy for Organizational and Education Accreditation Dr. Slamet Wahyudi, S.T., M.T., gave material on the Principles of Management Review, conveyed the importance of management review in improving the performance of support units at Universitas Brawijaya. The last material was delivered by the Head of the National Accreditation Center, Dra. Sri Wardhani, M.Sc., who discussed the steps in preparing a Management Review Report forSupporting Unit by providing guidance and explanation regarding the preparation of an effective and informative management review report for supporting units.
This activity is expected to help the supporting units at Brawijaya University in compiling comprehensive and efficient management review reports. By involving leaders, secretaries and staff representatives, the university is committed to improving internal quality management and optimizing the performance of support units. Universitas Brawijaya shows its commitment in improving quality and internal quality, as well as strengthening its position as a leading university in Indonesia. (CFK/LPM)
Materials related to this activity can be downloaded at the following link: