Malang, 14 September 2023 – Aria Gajayana Hotel Malang was the venue for the Workshop on Filling Out the Quality Internal Audit Form (AIM) forAuditees held by the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Brawijaya University. Attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Chair of the Quality Assurance Group, Chair of the Quality Assurance Unit for all Faculties of Brawijaya University, this activity aims to provide understanding and direction in filling out the AIM form or instrument forauditees in an effort to continuously improve quality in a different form than before.
The activity began with a report from the Chair of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, SH., MH. In his direction, Dr. Shinta highlighted the importance of the Chancellor’s Internal Quality Audit (AIM), hoping that it can provide optimal assistance to the leaders of each faculty. The event was then officially opened by the Deputy for Organizational and Educational Accreditation, Prof. Slamet Wahyudi, S.T., M.T., who in his speech emphasized the importance of data monitoring because Brawijaya University has excelled. Therefore, divideauditees, working hard and improving certain aspects related to quality assurance is crucial. This workshop is considered an important milestone in improving the quality of the quality assurance process within Brawijaya University. Hopefully the results will have a significant positive impact in improving the quality of education and organization at this university.
The workshop began with the presentation of the first material regarding Explanation of Procedures in Information Systems Quality Assurance (SIQA) by resource person Adharul Muttaqin, S.T., M.T as Chief Deputy for Ratings. This material provides an in-depth understanding of the implementation and management of Quality Internal Audit (AIM) in the context of Information Systems. Furthermore, in this presentation Adharul Muttaqin, S.T., M.T guided participants through key concepts related to filling out the AIM form.
In this session, the resource person explained in detail the steps that auditees must follow in filling out the AIM form, including a detailed explanation of each element that needs to be reported and analyzed. Participants are provided with an in-depth understanding of the purpose and benefits of the AIM process, as well as how best to ensure compliance with applicable quality standards.
In addition, the resource person also discussed important strategies and techniques for implementing AIM effectively, including data collection, analysis, and reporting audit results. Participants are also provided with guidance on how to identify and address findings or potential discrepancies in the context of SIQA.
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After the presentation of the first material, the atmosphere of the workshop room was filled with discussions between participants and resource persons. Participants have the opportunity to ask specific questions regarding completing the AIM form, share experiences, and obtain further clarification regarding the concepts that have been presented.
This workshop provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of the AIM process in the SIQA context, so that they can carry out internal audits more efficiently and effectively. With guidance from an expert such as Adharul Muttaqin, this workshop was an invaluable experience for all participants, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out the AIM process successfully in the Academic Implementation Unit.
Furthermore, the Chair of the Quality Internal Audit Center (AIM) by Eko Setiawan, S.T., M.T delivered the second material regarding Discussion of Activity Instruments (IK) forAuditees and Completing AIM Instruments. This material explains how to implement and apply IK in the Quality Internal Audit (AIM) process for auditees. Eko Setiawan, S.T., M.T as Chair of the Quality Internal Audit Center (AIM), provided a detailed explanation of the steps that must be followed by auditees in filling out the AIM instrument.
In this session, Eko Setiawan clearly explains the key concepts related to IK and how auditees can utilize them effectively during the AIM process. He discusses in detail the elements that auditees need to pay attention to, including data collection, information processing, and reporting audit results.
Apart from that, the resource person also provided practical examples and case studies that clarify the implementation of IK in the AIM process. Participants are provided with in-depth insight into how to identify and respond to findings or potential nonconformities, as well as steps to ensure compliance with applicable quality standards.
After the presentation of the second material, the atmosphere of the workshop room returned to being an active discussion forum. Participants had the opportunity to share experiences, ask about special situations they might encounter in filling out the AIM instrument, and get further clarification from Eko Setiawan.
This workshop providesauditees the tools necessary to fill out the AIM instrument correctly and effectively, thereby ensuring that the internal audit process runs smoothly and produces accurate results. With guidance from an expert like Eko Setiawan, this workshop was a very valuable experience for all participants, preparing them to face the AIM process with high confidence and competence.
By the end of this workshop, it is hoped that the participants will have gained an in-depth understanding of filling out the Quality Internal Audit (AIM) form and implementing Activity Instruments (IK) in Information SystemsQuality Assurance (SIQA). We hope that the knowledge and skills gained from this session will make a positive contribution in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal audit process in their respective work environments. Thank you to all participants and resource persons for their active participation in this event. We hope to meet again at the next opportunity. CFK/LPM[masterslider id=”14″]