Internal Quality Audit for Academic Services 11 2012

11th cycle  IQA for academic service units 2012

Implementation of Quality Management System of  ISO 9001:2008, BAN-PT standard and Excellent Public Service standards give positive impact to unit, faculty, department, study program, laboratory as well as for lecturer, head of bureau, sub-department and supporting staff. Good corporate system was shown on the comprehensive documents presented and implementation of quality document. This service has increased the customer satisfaction.

Periodic internal audit should be performed to increase continuous implementation. In this cycle, audited units have had well preparation on the necessary document and the support form top management and management representative were excellent. This indicated that the audit process have been well performed.

In 11th cycle  IQA,  there were 117 faculties, departments, study programs in total and 173 laboratories. The scope of audit consists of  more audited items compared to previous audit. The scope of  IQA audit 11th cycle 2012 were:

  1. Corrective Action Report of  IQA 10th cycle  and Corrective Action Report of 1st Surveillance ISO 9001:2008.
  2. Implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008.
  3. Implementation of BAN-PT standard number 3 of performance inputted in information system called SIDEA.
  4. Implementation of  IAQS based on Excellent Public Service standards and records
  5. System and documentation of laboratory.

Based on these scopes, auditors evaluated the implementation of quality standards at UB. The evaluation showed that some units have not take actions to the nonconformity findings from previous audit. For BAN-PT standards, it was found that there are less lecturers at master and doctoral degree study program who are as examiners at outside UB. For laboratories, the number of calibrated laboratory equipments should be increased.

Based on those findings, QAC-UB give inputs to UB rector to make some policies to overcome those problems occurred in faculties, in departments, in study programs and in laboratories. In the next auditing, nonconformities would be no longer occurred.

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