
Programs of QAC UB

A. Management Programs

  1. Weekly meeting
  2. Management Review
  3. Revision of Quality Documents
  4. Updating Website
  5. UB Berbagi (Benchmarking, Internships, Providing IQAS Resource)

B. Internal QAS Center

  1. Evaluating and Developing of IQAS UB
  2. Strengthening of IQAS of UB
  3. IQAS Development and Implementation in faculties and departments
  4. Training on Management Review for all leaders of working units

C. Internal Quality Audit Center

  1. Internal Quality Audit for Faculty, Department and Study Program
  2. Internal Quality Audit for Supporting Units
  3. Dissemination of Internal Quality Audit Results

D. National Accreditation Center

  1. Monitoring and Reporting on Accreditation Results Evaluation
  2. Assistance in Preparing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Simulation and Visitation Accreditation of Study Program

E. International Accreditation Center

  1. Coordination of Preparing the ASIIN Accreditation Document
  2. Assistance in Developing Accreditation Document
  3. Assistance in Preparing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Simulation and Visitation Accreditation of Study Program

F. National Reputation Center

  1. Dissemination of UB Ranking
  2. Supporting Data and Analysis of Dikti Ranking and Clustering
  3. Benchmarking Ranking Achievement

G. International Reputation Center

  1. Data Collection for Employer Reputation and International Faculties
  2. Data Collection and Ranking Analysis for QS, THES, Greenmetrics, Webometrics, and 4ICU