Programs of QAC UB
A. Management Programs
- Weekly meeting
- Management Review
- Revision of Quality Documents
- Updating Website
- UB Berbagi (Benchmarking, Internships, Providing IQAS Resource)
B. Internal QAS Center
- Evaluating and Developing of IQAS UB
- Strengthening of IQAS of UB
- IQAS Development and Implementation in faculties and departments
- Training on Management Review for all leaders of working units
C. Internal Quality Audit Center
- Internal Quality Audit for Faculty, Department and Study Program
- Internal Quality Audit for Supporting Units
- Dissemination of Internal Quality Audit Results
D. National Accreditation Center
- Monitoring and Reporting on Accreditation Results Evaluation
- Assistance in Preparing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Simulation and Visitation Accreditation of Study Program
E. International Accreditation Center
- Coordination of Preparing the ASIIN Accreditation Document
- Assistance in Developing Accreditation Document
- Assistance in Preparing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Simulation and Visitation Accreditation of Study Program
F. National Reputation Center
- Dissemination of UB Ranking
- Supporting Data and Analysis of Dikti Ranking and Clustering
- Benchmarking Ranking Achievement
G. International Reputation Center
- Data Collection for Employer Reputation and International Faculties
- Data Collection and Ranking Analysis for QS, THES, Greenmetrics, Webometrics, and 4ICU