Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

Internal Quality Assurance System is one of many systems to address some problems in higher education institutions in Indonesia.

In general, quality assurance in higher education was defined as

  1. An establishment of  processes and compliance with the standard quality of education consistent and continuous to meet the customer satisfaction.
  2. Processes to assure the quality of the graduates meet the established competency  and the quality of the graduates can be maintained consistently and be improved continuously.

A qualified university is a university that is able to define and to realize its visions through the implementation of the missions (deductive logic) and is also able to fulfill/satisfy stakeholders/consumer needs (inductive logic) including public needs, world of work and professionalism. Therefore, a higher education should be able to planning, managing and controlling processes to achieve the quality standards.

To achieve all the goals, it is necessary to accomplish the following requirements:

  1. Commitment
  2. Internally driven
  3. Responsibility and good supervision
  4. Compliance to the planning
  5. Evaluation
  6. Continuous Improvement of quality

The goals of quality assurance are to maintain and to improve the quality of higher education continuously which are conducted internally to achieve vision and mission university and to fulfill stakeholder needs through the implementation of “university three missions” (Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi). To accomplish those goals, an university should be controlled and audited  by BAN-PT or by other external accreditation bodies. Therefore, objectivity of the evaluation of maintaining and improving of academic quality continuously at the university can be achieved.

IQAS Implementation at UB was based on the following law:

  1. National Act number 20 year 2003 regarding SISDIKNAS
  2. Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003 – 2010
  3. Quality Assurance Guideline for Higher Educations, DGHE 2003
  4. Quality Assurance  Task Force DGHE 2003
  5. Government Act number 19 year 2005 regarding Nasional Standard of  Education
  6. Government Act number 17 year 2010 regarding Management and Service of Education
  7. Government Act number 66 year 2010 regarding Alteration on Government Act number17 year 2010 regarding Management and Service of Education.

EQAS UB also refers to the accreditation instruments of BAN-PT and of Times Higher Education Supplement Quacquarelli Symons (THES-QS) as International standards. The quality assurance at UB is presented below:

Quality Assurance Scheme


The objective of scheme of Quality Assurance are:

  1. To achieve vision and mission through the compliance quality standards by continuous improvement of the quality standards (PDCA = Plan Do Check Act), using process-management-based.
  2. Customer satisfaction
  3. Customer care

To implement IQAS, UB undertakes “quality assurance cycles” known as OSDAT which is stand for:

  • Establishment of a quality assurance organization (O)
  • Setting up systems (Policy, Documentation System (quality standard, quality manual, manual procedure etc) (S)
  • Implementing system (socialization and guideline) (D)
  • Internal Quality Audit (one cycle of quality assurance) (A)
  • Follow-up (T)

The cycles are presented below:


In general, organization of quality assurance at UB is a functional institution attached to the structural institution organization so that implementing the job description of the QAC staff always involves structural staff. In this case, QAC, GJM (faculty quality assurance unit) and UJM (department quality assurance unit) are independent. Their responsible is restricted to their level institution. Below is organization structure of UB and QAC.

Organization Structure of Quality Assurance

Documentation system should refer to the SPMPT/HEQAS (Sistem Pejaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi/ Higher Education Quality Assurance System) and ISO 9001 documentation system. Documentation system of IQAS become uniqueness of UB. Documentation of IQAS was intended to preparation of external auditing by BAN-PT or ISO9001 bodies and internal audit coordinated by QAC UB. Below is document structure of IQAS UB

Documents Structure

(1)      Manual Mutu PJM (dalam proses revisi)