Internal Quality Audit 2022

At the national level, government regulations (especially through the accreditation mechanism) have increased the requirements for internal audits activities. Currently internal audit activities must be able to fulfill the PPEPP cycle.

Required to Regulations of National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (NAAHE) Number 22 Year 2022 and Number 23 Year 2022 about Instruments for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Study Programs and Universities, IQA activities are focused on early warning of the readiness of Faculties, Departments and Study Programs in order to meet these requirements.

In addition to these objectives, since UB changed its status to legal entity state university and many supporting units have changed organizationally, the IQA is also intended to evaluate the unit’s mandatory documents.

IQA activities in UB are carried out periodically as an annual performance evaluation (internally), as well as to fulfill accreditation requirements (externally).

The routine of IQA activities are expected to motivate performance, evaluate performance, help auditees prepare for accreditation and also foster a sustainable quality culture.

With these objectives, the scope of IQA in 2022 is determined by the Rector of UB as follows:

  1. Follow-up the previous findings
  2. Fulfillment of Instruments for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings
  3. Achievement of Additional Performance Indicators
  4. Availability of Quality Manual Documents
  5. Evaluation of Management Review Report
  6. Organizational readiness, job description and Supporting Units documents

The scope of IQA applies to auditees consisting of: Faculties (18 units), Departments (51 units), Study Programs (174 units) and Supporting Units (29 units).

As in the previous year, the organizers of IQA activities are divided into two. The first organizer is the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (assisted by the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit) conducting IQA for Departments and Study Programs. The second organizer is Quality Assurance Center (QAC) conducting IQA for Faculties and Supporting Units.

The delegation of IQA requires a systematic activity sequentially from the smallest unit to the university level. For this reason, IQA activities start from Study Programs and then Departments, then continue for Faculties and next for Supporting Units.

The QAC as the university-level IQA coordinator has prepared instruments, document templates and other files intended to facilitate auditees in reporting and preparing files.